Call of duty 3 mods
Call of duty 3 mods

call of duty 3 mods call of duty 3 mods

Rise - caters to a mix of classic Call of Duty® cover combat, alongside strategic core movement opportunities with each section of the map offering distinctly different styles of gameplay.

call of duty 3 mods

Splash - set in an abandoned water theme park - complete with waterslides, a wrecked pirate ship, and a lazy river ride - all designed to drive an open flow of combat.Gauntlet - plays up the core philosphy of Treyarch's classic three-lane map structure with distinct variety in visuals and game-play.Skyjacked is a re-imagining of the fan-favorite, Call of Duty ®: Black Ops II multiplayer map Hijacked. Go guns up in the world of Black Ops III Multiplayer, with 4 new maps: Skyjacked, Gauntlet, Splash and Rise. The Boxer - besides removing the padding from his gloves, The Boxer wore a pair of brass knuckles hidden beneath his hand wraps - he wasn't just looking to win, he was looking to cause damage.Īwakening, DLC 1 Map Pack for Call of Duty ®: Black Ops III, available on PS4 ® and Xbox One ®.The Cop - after years of taking mob bribes and framing innocent men, The Cop is a likely suspect in a department-wide corruption investigation.and a lifetime of constant praise and attention has only fueled his deeply misplaced arrogance. The Magician - born into enormous wealth, The Magician grew up surrounded by lackeys and sycophants.Femme Fatal - she belongs in motion pictures, but instead works as a burlesque dancer at the city's most "upscale" nightclub - where she inevitably attracts the attention of many powerful men, manipulating their weaknesses and desires for her own ends.Every one of them is a lying, conniving, manipulative and selfish individual with a long sordid history of past misdeeds. Shadows of Evil introduces players to The Femme Fatal, The Magician, The Cop and The Boxer – and these are not nice people.

Call of duty 3 mods